While the conflict would rage across the Mediterranean world, victory in Italy was Hannibal's sole objective. To achieve it, he marched the bulk of his army in Iberia across southern Gaul (present-day France) and, famously, over the Alps into the Roman heartland. ... Romans fought wars until decisively won.
Assuming there is no right or wrong answer for this as long as you provide support, within the bible God says to the Israelites, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you," in this regard the foreign policy between US and Israel would tie into God's relation to the US. Hope this was helpful.
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Most of today's suburbs were farmland during the 1940s. ... Understanding why people began moving to the suburbs is important. The migration had a huge impact on U.S. energy use (suburban living encourages driving; urban living encourages walking) and schooling (suburban schools are often superior to urban schools).