1.) Snakes are very sensitive to vibrations in the ground.
2.) To avoid a snake bite, use protection. Wear special clothes and boots.
3.) My friend's snake left quite an impression on me.
4.) Snakes only attack first in situations where the feel frightened.
5.) The doctors made the decision to tale the tourist to the hospital.
6.) It's impossible for humans to read the expressions on the faces of animals like snakes.
7.) It's difficult to avoid a bite, because snakes have very fast reactions.
8.) In conclusion, I think that snakes are both beautiful and mysterious.
One issue revolving child exploitation is the use of marketing fast food restaurants towards children. It uses them to gain wealth.
Act Two
During Act Two, Sheila returns the ring to him and says they will need to start their relationship from the beginning, after the night's events are over, to see if they can forge a life together.
Good luck hope this helps :)
The questions seeks to know how the different young mens and their fathers' personalities affected the events of the 2 stories. The commonality between the 2 stories is that they both involve young men who are worried about their fathers' disapproval of their wives. The question asks how this happened even if the young men and their fathers have different personalities. Focus on how their personalities affected what happened in the 2 stories. A completely hypothetical example is because one of the young men was very unsociable, it was difficult for him to talk to his father about his wife which led to his fathers' non-acceptance of the wife.
In "A Meeting in the Dark", the young man in the story opted to kill the woman the claims that he loves for fear of being found out by his father. The woman was pregnant with is child. The young man was very selfish because he wanted to be held in high esteem in society. He prefer to commit murder than be seen as someone other than what image he presented to the community.