The main difference between geography and geology
is that geography is mostly dealing with the physical overall shapes of
the land. Geology is a science that is interested in how the land got
into the shape it did.
Geology is mostly about what the ground is
made up of from a natural perspective. What kind of rocks it contains
and how those rocks or layers of rocks got there.
Geography is
mostly dealing with mapping the extent of landforms, how far rivers are,
how long mountain ranges are, how long the coast line is. This is often
from the perspective of people or culture.
Here are some 5 facts I find interesting
-Some people use the term lithosphere to describe the geosphere. Depending on the definition of geosphere (which is debated by scientists), lithosphere can mean the same thing.
-The geosphere includes everything that looks like solid ground, including the ocean floors, sand in the deserts, rocks, mountains and every bit of land or formation on the continents.
-Aristotle, the Greek philosopher who lived from 384 - 322 BC, considered the geosphere to include the motion of earth, water, fire, and air
-There are eight major tectonic plates making up the earth's geosphere. They are constantly moving, but usually only a few centimeters each year,
-Scientific study related to the earth's geosphere can be broken down into specific disciplines including those covered in geology, geography, geochemistry, geomorphology, geophysics, glaciology, mineralogy, petrology, and volcanology.
it reduce conflict anger and violence
The lake effect occurs when dry air mass moves over a large body of water. When there's a dry air mass, be it warm or cold, and it moves over some large lake, thus large body of water, it changes its properties. The dry air mass picks up a lot of moisture while passing above the large body of water. As it does that, the air mass becomes wet. As it continues to move, this air mass will eventually come upon a natural barrier which will make it accumulate and go up, at certain area, the water vapor to condensate, and lot of precipitation to occur. Because this process will be happening constantly, the area will be receiving solid amount of precipitation, though the side of the water body from which the dry air mass is coming will be relatively dry.