Survivor and witness testimonies—firsthand accounts from individuals who lived through or encountered genocide and other atrocities—help students more deeply appreciate and empathize with the human and inhuman dimensions of important moments in history.
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Lesson: Using Testimony to Teach | Facing History
Answer: Side lighting
Side lighting is a light that is placed at a 45-degree to an angle of an object to show the detail f tool marks, textures, surface irregularities, polished surfaces, vehicle accident damage and small spaces.
The correct answer is A. Decided during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, this accommodation onrepresentation in the proposed US House of Representatives tacitly acknowledged slavery and kept the Southern slave states from rejecting the Constitution. It was called the Three-Fifths Compromise.
The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise reached between delegates from the southern states and delegates from the northern states during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The debate centered on on the fact whether slaves would be counted at the same time as determining the total population of a state to determine legislative representation and for taxative functions. The matter was important, while that population number then used to determine how many seats the state would have in the House of Representatives for the next ten years. The effect was to give the southern states one-third more seats in Congress and one-third more votes they would otherwise have, allowing slave interests to largely dominate the United States government until 1865.