See Explaination
This assume that input is a file and is given on command line. Please note this will ot print lines with frederick as thats what I feel question is asking for
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]) or die("Could not open the file $ARGV[0]");
while ($line = <FILE>){
print $line;
The Alter command is used when we want to modify a database or object contain in database.
a. In this scenario, the best solution would have an Object of Traditional Books, CD, Music, Bookstore and Customer.
b. All five objects would be able to be called by the main program loop and the Customer Object would call upon and use either the Books or CD object, While the Bookstore object would call upon all of the other objects.
c. Both the Bookstore object and Customer object will "have" other objects as the Bookstore needs to hold information on every Book or CD in the Inventory. While the Customer object would call upon the Book and CD object that they are purchasing.
d. The Music Object will extend the CD object and use information on the CD object as its parent class.
e. Since the Music Object extends the CD object it is also considered a CD since it is in CD format like the Books on CD and therefore is both objects.
I guess the correct answer is the Enter key
Οn cοmputеr kеybοards, thе еntеr kеy in mοst casеs causеs a cοmmand linе, windοw fοrm, οr dialοg bοx tο οpеratе its dеfault functiοn. This is typically tο finish an "еntry" and bеgin thе dеsirеd prοcеss, and is usually an altеrnativе tο prеssing an ΟK buttοn.