
<em><u>H</u></em><em><u>o</u></em><em><u>p</u></em><em><u>e</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>i</u></em><em><u>t</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>w</u></em><em><u>o</u></em><em><u>r</u></em><em><u>k</u></em><em><u>s</u></em><em><u>!</u></em>
He took land from patricians and gave it to the plebeians. He increased the size of the Senate to address financial issues. He grew the size of the military to provide more jobs. He created jobs in overseas Roman colonies for those in poverty.
The Texas white primary system was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, which decided 8–1. In that decision, the Supreme Court found that a state legislation passed in Texas in 1923 was unconstitutional because it allowed the state Democratic Party to discriminate racially. Most Southern states ended their selectively inclusive white primaries as a result of the case.