A : by using I throughout it makes it feel as if you are experiencing the situation yourself
All persons, yes all persons
Can you hear me beyond all those commotions
Held as slaves within any State, yes held captive
Must be given the right to freely live.
This freedom, oh for so long has been deprived
Will make such persons finally be revived
Let no one hinder, no one repress
Such people of their liberty possess.
But you, oh people now set free
Must all violence never agree
Let labor be your source of gladness now
Cause your wage you’ll receive, I vow.
As freed men you shall be
Serving fellowmen and country see
Freely you receive so freely give
Freedom that you long to have, enjoy and live.
The writer presents the differences between traditional and modern society in the matter of pregnancy, childbirth and childbearing.
Robin Hood! Or Robin of Locksley, if you want to get technical.