It is a simple sentence because it has one subject and one predicate.
You need to get on top of your stuff.
you need to stay in school and get good grades and if you have a hard time with that then you need to take notes and study. a lot.
you need to focus on your career after college and don't let anyone get in your way or you won't get where you deserve to be.
In my opinion, I would say that the quote means
That in everything that we do we must be sincere, hardworking,honest and trustworthy because from our character determines what we will be in the future.
From the quote I can also say that we ought to use our God-given talents wisely because that can pave way for our achievement.
"Better keep yourself clean and bright": For me it means that we should be faithful in all that we do and always Strive to stand out positively.
"you are the window to which you must see the world" : for me, this means that it is only you that would take you to where you want to go. Only you can make yourself successful if you have that positive "I can do it" mindset.
[T]he light moved away from Lemon Brown, but not before Greg saw him hurl his body down the stairs at the men who had come to take his treasure.
The answer since Lemon was trying to hide away from the thugs who had came to take his treasure. It was later that, he whispered to Greg that they are bad men unlike the previous time when he was in good rapport with those men. For him to attack them first before the saw him shows that, the relationship between him and them has changed drastically.