- PLQ (Double Recombinant gamete)
- plq (Double Recombinant gamete)
Parentals) pLq/PlQ x plq/plq
Gametes) pLq (Parental) plq (Parental)
PlQ (Parental)
pLQ (Recomb)
plQ (Recomb)
PLq (Recomb)
Plq (Recomb)
PLQ (Double Recom)
plq (Double Recom)
- p----L-----q
- P.....l........Q
Simple recombinant)
Recombination occurs between p and L, OR between l and q.
- P----L-----q
- p......l.....Q
- p----L-----Q
- P.....l........q
Double recombinant)
Recombination occurs between p and L, AND between l and q.
- p-----l------q
- P......L.......Q
Answer: B The leaves are dark green
C The leaves are needle-like
D The leaves are attached to the stem
I hope this helps you!! :)
Well there part of a group called carbohydrates ,sugars are monosaccharides, or single units of a specific molecules such as gluclose,fructose,and monasse . startches on the other hand ,are polysaccharides ,long chains of chains of single sugar molecule subunits linked together, if this doesnt answer your question just txt me,thxs love