Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 following a series of ... führer, who would lead them in a campaign of racial cleansing and world conquest. ... bled white in World War I—these nations chose a policy of appeasement.
1. 1955 — Montgomery Bus Boycott
2. 1961 — Albany Movement
3. 1963 — Birmingham Campaign
1. 1955 — Montgomery Bus Boycott
2. 1961 — Albany Movement
3. 1963 — Birmingham Campaign
the Haitian was ignited due to social tensions between French settlers and Gens de couleur (free people of color) as well as slaves, the Latin American revolution was caused due to Creoles (Euro-Americans) wanting to be independent from colonial officials from Spain and Portugal, but the French wanted to change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature or political power. They were different because the Haitian or Latin American revolution didn't have rulers that would had people want to change the relationship status, and the Haitian or Latin America started in 1791 and ended in 1804, the French started in 1789 and ended in 1799.
Clarence Thomas (born June 23, 1948) is an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was nominated by President George H. W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate to succeed Thurgood Marshall, and is the second African American to serve on the Court.