Face validity of an instrument refers to the style of questions on an instrument that enables the respondents to determine the purpose of the questions by merely reading the questions is a TRUE statement.
- The purpose of the questions enumerated on a given instrument is often very easy to comprehend.
- It allows the respondents to easily devise what issues or subjects are the questions associated with.
- Once the respondents get an idea of what the questions are about, they can plan how to tackle them or otherwise just simply prefer to leave them.
Attalupa was the last sapa inca and Pizarro was the dude who killed him
Ayurvedic medicine
The ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest medicines used for healing people in the olden days especially in India. In modern days, different types of medicines have been developed using the ayurvedic medicine. The principle of the medicine healing system is based on the fact that complete wellness depends on the balance between spirit, mind, and body.
The small states gained the ability to have equal representation in Congress.