All told, the movement of slaves from the Upper South to the Deep South made up one of ... while poor southern whites envisioned a day when they might rise enough in the world to ... How did the industrial revolution affect the slave economy and vice versa? ... Manifest Destiny: causes and effects of westward expansion.
A russian revolution
Russia didnt lose ww1 they took alot of losses and backed out to start their communist revolution
Every Greek man was expected to keep in shape in case he was called up to the military. (War in Greece was almost constant.)
Terms in this set (12)
What happened to the Great Pyramid as Cairo increased in size and population? F It started sinking into the desert sand. ... G Fortunately one man, the archaeologist Zahi Hawass, made it his life's goal to restore the Great Pyramid and the smaller pyramids that surround it.
<span>im Crow law, in U.S. history, any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s.</span><span>Mar 31, 2017</span>