An endowment fund is an investment fund established by a foundation that makes consistent withdrawals from invested capital.
The correct answer is letter A
Explanation: Kathy can donate the equipment as she wishes since she paid for them.
World War II the chief Allied powers were Great Britain, France
We recommend you to make a spreadsheet with all the incomes, outcomes and insert every expense you have. Cut out the leisure item by 50%; find online discounts for your shopping list and purchase only what it's necessary. Reduce the social outings, use public transportation or carpool to the office and collect money for gas. Also, cut off credit card costs and leave it only for emergencies. Clothes and shoes purchases can be done during sale season, rather than at the beginning.
The fascist party leader who became dictator of Italy was named "Mussolini" and was the leader of Italy during World War II. Italy during this time was allied with Germany and Japan.