Nuestra tarea = our homework
Here's what the question says: "It's never too late to learn! Imagine that you're a professor of computers. You have to teach a group of retired people to use email. Write instructions on how to open and use an email account. Use the words below:"
The words are: adjuntar-attatch
arroba- @ (i think. In this context that seems most appropriate)
borrar- delete
buscador - search ( or like, search engine thing )
contraseno - password or pass code
pagina web - web page :)
the bottom words just say "email manual"
If I were you, I would write something simple if you don't understand Spanish. I suggest bullet-pointing a sentence for each word as follows:
-Primero, vaya a la pagina web de correo electronico.
-Asegúrese de que las letras en el motor de búscador ya no están. Borrar letras innecesarias
- Ahora, crea una cuenta. Asegúrate de usar una buena contraseña.
- Adjunte un "at" a su nombre de correo electrónico.
There you go!
Los alimentos transgénicos son aquellos que han sido producidos a partir de un organismo modificado mediante ingeniería genética y al que se le han incorporado genes de otro organismo para producir las características deseadas. En la actualidad tiene mayor presencia los alimentos procedentes de plantas transgénicas, ...
si estas traduciendo es:
New technologies are being developed every day. It is interesting to read and think about the possibilities.
For this activity you need to search the internet for a Spanish language electronic newspaper. Find an article in the science or technology section that interests you. After you read the article, write one summary paragraph in Spanish using at least five progressive verbs. Be sure to include a link to your source! You can find them by yourself, or here are some ideas for you.