The hawk, a carnivore (animal meat-eater), is predating on the rabbit, an herbivore (plant-eater). So the hawk can be seen as the predator and the rabbit as the prey.
But another type of relationship important in Ecology is consumers. So producers are the plants that feed a food web. That makes the rabbits the primary consumers (herbivores) of these plants. Then the hawks become the secondary consumers (carnivores) of the primary consumers, by eating the herbivores.
Hope that this makes sense!
An organ is a structure that is composed of at least two or more tissue types and performs a specific set of functions for the body.
The caloric value of food refers to the amount of energy that is produced as a result of complete combustion of that food under normal conditions.
Foods have energy which are stored in the chemical bonds that hold their molecules together. This stored energy is released when the chemical bonds are broken during metabolic processes such as respiration. The amount of energy in different foods differ and the quantity of energy in the chemical bonds that hold the food molecules together will determine the amount of energy that will be obtained from the food.
In most food molecules, the chemical bond that hold the food molecules together is C-H bond. C-H bond is a strong covalent bond which give stability to the food molecule. The higher the chemical energy that is stored in this bond, the higher the caloric value of food. Thus, the calorific value of food is depended on the quantity of energy that reside in the C-H bond.
I think a very important thing while working in a scientific laboratory is to have cooperation along with a sense of individual responsibility. There are many times when you are not expert in one scientific technique but your senior or fellow worker is because of his/her prior experience. At that point, the people of laboratory should cooperate with each other in giving some tips regarding performing a specific technique and getting the results with minimum time wastage. This does not mean that you take help from some one without giving them credit.
There should be a lab attendant in every lab who should be consulted for every problem so that he can assign some relevant worker to help you in the work. After you get the help, the attendant should confirm from both persons and keep a log about it which they should appreciate and give a fair credit about inquiries of higher authorities like supervisors.
Another important factor that is important for people is to have a sense of respect for each other. This is important to listen to others without just thinking about our own perspective and our own understanding. This also enables to understand a point from larger view and can help to bring a point in mind which we otherwise might skip.