I m 95 % sure on the first one, the rest are 100% sure.
Today, animators use new technology in making cartoons.
New Technology (Direct) Animators (indirect)
Last weekend we gave our dog a present.
Present(Direct object) Dog (Indirect object)
No, we did not hand him a bone.
Bone (direct object) Him (Indirect object)
The purpose of flipping through a literature anthology isi to help you :
Generate Topic
This will potentially served as your cube of inspiration from your literature
Hope this helps
The American Psychological Association or APA style is a writing style and format that is used for academic and journal articles and books. It is described in the style guide "<em>Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association</em>" by the American Psychological Association. And one point of the guideline is that <u>bold fonts be used for the paragraph headings. </u>
Example: when the writer didn't obviously write a clear thesis and didn't introduce it inthe writing