The error in sentence is Misplaced Modifier.
The correct sentence will be Although Shelby was very tired , she finished her project on time.
There are different parts of sentence in which grammatical mistakes can be done. They are:
Subordination: These express relationships clearly and the emphasis is carried out properly.They are used to describe time, purpose, cause and condition. Hence they make use of words like after, before, whenever,because, since, as, that, so that, in order that, if, even though, unless.
Parallelism: To demonstrate a similar level of importance, consistent word patterns and endings are used.
Misplaced Modifier: A modifier is placed somewhere in a sentence where the intended meaning is messed up.
Dangling modifier: it changes the meaning of sentence and cannot be identified.
The sentence that contains a boldface infinitive is D. Lisa wants TO GO.
It is easy to spot an infinitive - it is usually a combination of the word TO plus a verb.
A and C are incorrect because those are not infinitives, but rather prepositional phrases. B is incorrect because it is an infinitival phrase, rather than a single infinitive.
Ida, Kate. Bring home the spices and trinkets.
I already know joe biden is going to win i see it on the chart when i looked up how the election was going
The main way dramatic tension is built is the clues that Boo gives, making him interesting, but it can also be frightening.
Also, the incidents that pop up in the story also builds up dramatic tension.