Answer: Reports to only one ICS supervisor
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) helps in guiding the government, agencies and private sector organizations to work together in order to prevent incidents, mitigate the incidents and also respond to the incidents and recover from them.
According to the NIMS Management Characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command, each person reports to only one ICS supervisor
An appeal is the process in which cases are reviewed by a higher authority, where parties request a formal change to an official decision
The correct term for this idea is "bias." A bias is a prejudice that encourages a person to pass a judgement on something, whether this is positive or negative. However, this judgement is reached without enough information to truly make an informed decision. Therefore, bias is an undesirable thing to have. Moreover, biases can be particularly negative for certain people whose objectivity is particularly important. This is the case with professionals such as politicians, psychologists and journalists.
Birch Bayh Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse (Indianapolis)
When being a witness against themselves it means They don’t have to give any results regarding them I think that’s what it means I’m not sure look it up