Interphase is the portion of the cell cycle that is not accompanied by gross changes under the microscope, and includes the G1, S and G2 phases. During interphase, the cell grows (G1), replicates its DNA (S) and prepares for mitosis (G2). ... In interphase, the cell gets itself ready for mitosis or meiosis.
I do know the bones I think here are them <span>Structure of the </span>Pelvic Girdle<span>. The bony </span>pelvis<span> consists of the two hip </span>bones<span> (also known as innominate or </span>pelvic bones<span>), sacrum and coccyx. There are four articulations within the </span>pelvis<span>: Sacroiliac Joints (x2) – Between the ilium of the hip </span>bones<span>, and the sacrum.</span>
Does nature really hurt itself? does nature want to be ruined? if I would be a nature I will kick those people that have nothing to do but hurt me. Pollution is a result of human activities. it is a problem caused by many.