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This is true, for crime as a whole.
Various studies have shown that men are at least found out- and therefore arrested for- more crimes than women.
From 2011 arrest data from the FBI, men were consistently shown to have higher rates of committing crimes than women. This table has a lot of good info, and you can find out which crimes women were more likely to commit as well. https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table_66_a...
You could say something like "Je pense que ce serait meilleur si les jeunes utiliseraient ses portables moins régulièrement" (I think that it would be better if young people used their phones less regularly) [conditional tense] or "A l'avenir j'espère que les jeunes vont aller à l'extérieur plus" (In the future I hope that young people go outside more) [present and then future] or something about in the past, there not being technology so.. and then expand on the differences? you could say "Quand on était petit" [imperfect tense- past] (when one was younger) to do this, hope this helps :)
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Car le poison était dans les glaçons donc en buvant vite les glaçons du jeune homme n'a pas eu le temps de fondre dans son verre alors que le jeune homme musclé les glaçons on fondu dans son verre et après il l'a but!
En tout cas j'espère t'avoir aidé bonne chance ;)