Over the past 6 months, her team has successfully catered 27 weddings and 8 engagement parties.
When you want to open a business, it is important that you create SMART goals.
SMART is an acronym for specifying goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely, that is, in creating a business, you must establish realistic goals with the reality of your business and the reality of the market in which you are inserted This way, you will be able to reach your goals, you will not be frustrated and you will still manage your business with mastery.
In the options given in the question above, the only one that demonstrates a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely goal is "Over the past 6 months, her team has successfully catered 27 weddings and 8 engagement parties."
Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you're thriving.
psychological moratorium.
A big part of identity crisis is the psychological moratorium.
During that time, a society ( parents, peers, teachers, etc ) forbid a certain individual to work on the problem and the resolution. While a young adult is put in the middle of this period, they have an opportunity to look better into society, rules, values, etc. Some people stay in the moratorium, while others find the way to break the shell and then, they find their position, place and role in the society they belong in.
Because alcohol has huge negative impact on the driving, (it slows a person's motor skills and ability to react quickly), alcohol while driving is strictly forbidden. Driving with an open container of alcohol in the car is against the law.
Drivers under 21 may not carry unopened containers of liquor, beer, or wine in a vehicle unless they are placed in the trunk.