How are you
See you
What's up
No more here
Just here walking
Same here
Same here strolling
Nice meeting you
My name is
How are you
Very good
Nice greeting you
Nice greeting her
Nice meeting him
Same here
You too
Have a nice day
Have a nice day
Are you?
How's it going
How are you
Have a good time
Nice getting to know you
Once getting to know yo
La ciudad mas grande en Ecuador es Guayaquil
1. hombre (man) → masculino
2. profesora (teacher, professor) → femenino
3. chica (girl) → femenino
4. pasajero (passenger) → masculino
5. mujer (woman) → femenino
6. conductora (conductor) → femenino
7. chico (boy) → masculino
8. pasajera (passenger) → femenino
9. profesor (teacher, professor) → masculino
I think its cocinar me gusta mas que limpiar.