The subject of the tapestry is the Battle of Hastings, but since it was designed and constructed in the eleventh century, it als
o provides the historian with other information about that era. Based on your study of the images in the tapestry and what you have already learned about medieval society, describe three or four other aspects (besides the events depicted or the military aspects) of the medieval world that are illustrated in the tapestry.
Bayeux Tapestry, medieval embroidery depicting the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, remarkable as a work of art and important as a source for 11th-century history. English axman in combat with Norman cavalry during the Battle of Hastings, detail from the 11th-century Bayeux Tapestry, Bayeux, France.
The Battle of Berlin resulted in the surrender of the German army and the death of Adolf Hitler. It was a resounding victory for the Soviet Union and the Allies.