he Dawes Act of 1887 authorized the federal government to break up tribal lands created the reservation system in 1851 keep Native Americans off of lands that Many indigenous people resisted their confinement to the reservations, Act of 1887 or the General Allotment Act, was signed into law on January 8, 1887
The Mughal or Mogul Empire ruled most of India and Pakistan in the 16th and 17th centuries. The time of their reign was marked by a period of peaceful religious and cultural blossoming between Hindus and Muslims in India, whose culmination is the golden era of Islamic-Hindu cross-influences. This empire, in turn, strengthened the influence of Islam in South Asia, extending Muslim, especially Persian culture. Mughal were Muslims who ruled the Hindu majority.
I think the kingdom i might be wrong
sono chi no sadame jojo
is watching show fine but i will visit dat web site
Answer: people who demanded the emancipation of slaves.
Abolitionism refers to the movement in the United States to end slavery. Abolitionism became particularly strong with Enlightenment, as many thinkers saw slavery as contrary to its ideals.
Immediately after the Revolutionary War, many Northern states passed legislation abolishing slavery. However, the process was slower in Southern states. Prior to the Civil War, abolitionists campaigned for the emancipation of slaves in the South, and as a result of the way, slavery was declared unconstitutional in 1865.
I rlly hope I helped! ☺