A she testify that she was at a
The correct answer would be A. The first step in getting the gist would be to identify the keywords. Getting gist is the same as knowing the main idea of a certain passage. The very first to identify this should be to find keywords that you think is important in the text and speaks of the message of the passage.
As with any author's decision to use 1st person, her intention most likely -- in this story -- was to get her readers to go along for the ride into madness and cultivate a certain amount of sympathy for the narrator and her plight. The constant use of "I" puts readers in the narrator’s head and allows them to empathize with her.
I think that person can be robin hood.
This is because he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He fights for what is right and never gives up. Another character could be Joan of Arc. She sacrificed herself to save France from danger and even was burned at the stake for her friends.