I believe the correct answer is Hierarchical Authority
Wеbеr's thеοriеs, dеvеlοpеd at thе turn οf thе 20th cеntury, hеlpеd dеfinе thе еcοnοmic and pοlitical systеms еmеrging frοm thе highly cοncеntratеd authοrity οf hеrеditary rulеrs and thеir suppοrtеrs. Thеy dеfinеd many 20th-cеntury institutiοns. Pοwеr in burеaucraciеs is vеstеd in pοsitiοn, nοt pеrsοn, and authοrity travеls thrοugh thе lеvеls οf thе hiеrarchy basеd οn agrееd-upοn functiοns.
the journal entry to record the purchase of treasury stocks
February 5, 2020
Dr Treasury stocks 382,200
Cr Cash 382,200
the journal entry to record the sale of 9,100 stocks
August 9, 2021
Dr Cash 254,800
Cr Treasury stock 191,100
Cr Additional paid in capital 63,700
A programmer, a web designer, and a data analyst.
The programmer creates the sales system application. He will integrate key functionalities in the new software that will meet the companie's unique need.
The we designer will create a website that will give easy access to the newly developed sales system application. This will also involve content creation and user interface creation.
Data analyst will be in charge of managing client's data. Making sure data is secure and in a form that can be easily accessed and used.
A journal is provided as an attachment to record the entries for Perez Computers.
The gross method of cash discounts assumes that the customer will not take advantage of the offered discount. It therefore records the sale in full without netting off the discount element. This was done in the answer.
When Robertson paid within 10 days, the 3% cash discount was allowed since payment was received within the terms of 15 days.
For The Clark Store, there was no discount because payment was received later than the allowed 10 days.