b) A central bank is expected to achieve a 3% annual inflation rate
Inflation targeting is a type of monetary policy where the central bank of a country sets an inflation rate as its goal or target.
There is a violation of Uniform State Law because the agent has made an offer to sell an unregistered non-exempt security in that State
The Uniform State Securities Law is also called blue sky law, and they are put in place at the State level to prevent fraud and to enforce security regulation.
This law was set up to handle investments that do not occur at the federal level. These are out of the purview of the SEC so states handle them.
In the given scenario the agent is trying to make a non exempt security exempt by buying it from the client.
This is an attempt to sell the securities to investors through fraudulent means and it is a violation of Uniform State Law
Well 50% of 50,000 is 25,000 so I’d say make sure your cars don’t go above 15,000 a Year cause Car(s)
Workplace ethics is the ethics we follow t the workplace. Professional ethics which is closely coined term is the ethics and code of conduct is concerning one's business or related to one's profession.
Ethics is literally defined as the behavior of an individual concerning one's work, personal life and one's dealing with others. These are the set of values and conduct of an individual while performing his or her duty at work or home or anywhere. Its the way one deal with others in his or her personal and professional life.
Workplace ethics of-late has become extremely imperative and sensitive term with the growing complexities and scope of business and commerce. Even government agencies and organisations have started implementing workplace ethics in a big way. Workplace ethics talks bout one's integrity, uprightness and honesty in transacting business and official dealings at work. Its the behavior of an employee shows while performing his or her duties. Its not secluded to just employees even employers in the changing business scenario has to follow and adhere by certain standards and meet certain guidelines.
Workplace ethics in other words re the set of parameters , regulations and standards which an employee as well as employer has to follow at work place . The core purpose of such ethics is to dd more transparency in the official discharge of duties , standing out as an example for competitors , setting standards for following for laws and being transparent.
Answer: Option (B) is correct.
Concentration ratio reflects the level of competition among the firms in an industry. When a concentration ratio is lower in an industry, it represents that greater the competition among the firms and if this ratio is around 100% then there is no competition among the firms, it is a situation of monopoly.