Because Malcolm was "born of a woman" -- that is, naturally.
A hyperbole is just an exaggerated statement to show emphasis.
Example: My backpack weighs a ton.
Jem says Tom's punishment is inappropriate, but he can't describe why. Maybe assault shouldn't be a capital offense. Atticus says he has no problem with the assault statute, but he has "serious reservations" when the state asks for the death penalty on circumstantial evidence. Before a person is executed, eyewitnesses should testify that they observed the crime. In the absence of that, there is always "the shadow of a doubt... the possibility, no matter how improbable, that he's innocent." Jem notes that the jury convicted a man on circumstantial evidence. He believes juries should be eliminated. Atticus offers a superior solution to Regulate. Only judges should decide death sentences.
This is my opinion to your question...Change words to your own and avoid plagiarism. :)