Following are the program in the Python Programming Language:
#set dictionary
d = { 'State' : 'Delhi', 'Country' : 'India'};
#reverse the dictionary.
revers = dict((v, k) for k, v in d.items())
#Displays the reversed dictionary.
print("Dictionary is: \n")
Dictionary is:
{'Delhi': 'State', 'India': 'Country'}
Here, we set the dictionary data type variable "d" then, we set the variable in which we store the reverse of the dictionary in which key is converted into the value and value is converted into the key. and finally we print the reverse dictionary.
The automobile is the invention
Use an adapter, costs money though.
We use analog and digital signals in our everyday lives with the radio, the cell phone and with our own computers. our computers and our cell phones are all digital now but radio's are still considered analog. Radio telescopes explore space by using radio waves and signals to almost like scan space and collect data like a sonar in a submarine.