At Jundi Shapur the best scholars west of China all gathered to think and study together. By the 600s, the doctors at the school were writing about a medicine from India named sharkara or, as the Persians called it, shaker—sugar. Indeed, scholars at Jundi Shapur invented new and better ways to refine cane into sugar.
Analysis of the problem:
The Reasons:
Proposed Solutions:
Risk to the organisation if the proposed changes are not made:
1.claim It is often assumed that firms are simply concerned to maximize profits: that they are not concerned with broader issues of social responsibility. It is then argued, however, that competitive forces could result in society benefiting from the self-interested behaviours of firms: i.e. that profit maximization will lead to social efficiency under conditions of perfect competition and the absence of cost.
3.claim But, as we have seen, in the real world, markets are not perfect and there is often cost. Many forms of market failure can be attributed directly to business practices that could not be classified as ‘socially responsible’: advertising campaigns that seek to misinform or in some way deceive the consumer; monopoly producers exploiting their monopoly positions through charging excessively high prices; the conscious decision to ignore water and air pollution limits; knowing that the chances of being caught are slim.
there are key words indicators in every sentence.
In the Vietnam it was still called “shell shock” PTSD was not truly exploited until Afghanistan and Iraq. Vietnam vets were treated much differently because of the general populations view on the war and politics set forth after JFK’s death
Legend says that they are still terrified to ask the girl to the dance during corona
a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox ).