This is true, for crime as a whole.
Various studies have shown that men are at least found out- and therefore arrested for- more crimes than women.
From 2011 arrest data from the FBI, men were consistently shown to have higher rates of committing crimes than women. This table has a lot of good info, and you can find out which crimes women were more likely to commit as well.
Demain je vais aller faire les courses.Je me lèverai à 8 heures.
J'irai d'abord à la boulangerie pour acheter du pain et un croissant.Ensuite je me rendrai à l'épicerie qui est juste à côté pour acheter du lait,du fromage et du beurre.J'irai faire un tour au marché pour regarder si il y a de beaux fruits et légumes.J'achèterai beaucoup de cerises, j'adore ça.Puis de la salade verte, des tomates et des carottes.Pour terminer, je rentrerai tranquillement à la maison.
You can think of words that you commonly use in the language you speak and translate them to French. One way I do this is by creating flashcards of things like animals and food ingredients that have both the English and French translations of that word.
English has modal verbs which are unconjganated such as "Could, Might, and Must" Which french verbs do not contain.