A. Contour
Contour planting is a farming practice that helps reduce or prevent soil erotion through, the planting of crops along the contour.
A contour is are lines developed across a slope at the same level of elevation of the slope. A slope referes to land which slants downwards.
The contours prevent the free flow of rain water down the slope, hence trapping soil particles that would otherwise erode. They also reduce the speed with with running water, goes down the slope.
I think this could be a psychological phenomenon: people look for some symbols common to humanity, that would represent humanity as a whole.
The ancient Seven Wonders were a reminder of how far humanity has come and something that all the people who referred to them had a common: a wonder at how magnificent these structures were.
A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Lumbini is an important pilgrimage destination among Buddhists. It is the place, where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to Price Siddharth, who then became Lord Buddha and founded Buddhism. Apart from this, It is one of the four main pilgrimage sites of Buddhism in the world.
For pilgrims, Lumbini is one of the holiest places to visit. In fact, it is one of the four sacred sites that Buddha reportedly advised his disciples and followers to see for themselves. Rich and poor, healthy and sick, people come all year long from all across the world to realise this dream.
Answer:It is likely that all three played some role in the epidemic. Bubonic plague causes fever, fatigue, shivering, vomiting, headaches, giddiness, intolerance to light, pain in the back and limbs, sleeplessness, apathy, and delirium
Tbh is sounds totally like something a 7th grader would write I don't see a problem.
I mean you could make it more wordy but there wouldn't be a really point.