New cells are typically produced during cell division. Cell division is a complex process that is regulated and checked at many points. Due to varying factors, the cell regulation mechanism may become non functional and this usually result in abnormal cell growth and division.
An abnormal cell growth may be cancerous or non cancerous. The best thing to do when one notices an abnormal growth in his body is to go and see the doctor. The doctors will administer appropriate test in order to determine the type of tumor that is present. If the tumor is non cancerous it will be removed by minor surgery. In case the tumor is cancerous, appropriate treatments will depending on the part of the body where it is found, the stage of growth and nature of the cancerous cells.
Its because mother nature tells us herself!
its just like predicting when rhinos will go instinct:
imagine people killing 2 rhinos a week or every two weeks and theres only 500-1000, you can predict that in prob 3-5 years they'll go instinct
so its just like that and they have much higher technology now that it'll just give them the answer without putting much effort into it.
~batmans wife dun dun dun....
Big growth is
<span>macroevolution as small growth is to microevolution</span>
The right option is Courtship
Courtship is a behavior in which different
species interact and select their partners for mating which leads to
reproduction. Most times, the female specie chooses the desired male to mate with before
copulation. Various behaviours such as display
of strength, dancing and vocal utterance are often used during courtship. For the question given above,<span>the type of behavior displayed by the species of balloon flies is an example of courtship.
There is no illustration attached, so it is impossible to answer this question. I apologise.