Nick is taken aback by Toms casual racism while Daisy tries hard to a line her views with his own
In this story, we meet Zita, who is a girl with a very vivid imagination. When Zita slips out of her house, we are able to follow the thoughts that go through her head, which enables us to follow her train of thought.
Through these ideas, the author develops the setting of the story as well as Zita's character. We learn that she climbs unto a tree, and that the tree allows her to "jump and weave through the orchard." The use of words like "weave" by McClure creates a sense of vividness and motion. Moreover, Zita is described as jumping unto the roof and then scrambling up to her window. This description continues to develop the setting by explaining where everything is located. It also contributes to the characterization of Zita by describing her courage and agility.
A)like water against a dam
B) the web of conversations
C) feared might be eaten by a dog
D is either people turing talking and waiting or secrets
The setting of the story creates a conflict for the man because the setting is bad and he could be at the place in the wrong time
Sorry but it doesn't sound like a thesis statement.
The reason why is because it's a bit of topic from the main point it's getting to and seems long when it could be summarized and still give the same message.