After the Great Depression and the end of the war era, many Americans were wanting to settle down into a family life and experience “The American Dream” of owning a home with land and having more children. This led to flocks of people, especially war veterans getting government assistance, buying land outside of urban cities and the creation of the suburb area.
The creation of automobiles by big companies such as Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors along with the creation of the International Highway System allowed for this transition to happen successfully on a mass scale. People were now able to own private transportation, and travel to and from work and commercial stores in major cities, leaving the often overcrowded and tarnished cities and apartment building living to poor immigrant and African American majorities.
Buggana Rajendranath Reddy (born 27 September 1970) is an Indian politician and current Minister for Finance, Planning and Legislative Affairs in the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
B. development of new markets