The 1948 United States Presidential Election is considered apart from being one of the biggest electoral upsets in American history, the start of an era of great economic prosperity and growth of the United States as a superpower in the land of politics.
After winning the election then President elect Harry S. Truman implemented and oversaw various policies in order to contain and stop the influence of communism around the world which culminated in the entry of the United States in the Korean war.
During this time period President Truman also oversaw the approval of NSC 68, a secret statement of foreign policy. Which sought to increase the defense budget and in turn increase the military prowess of the US and weaken the Soviet Union's influence as much as possible.
The results of the 1948 Presidential Elections also influenced the reform of civil rights in the US, more specifically voting rights and fair employment rights, these reforms also had a key role in ending racial segregation in the armed forces.
Przepraszam, człowieku, nie rozumiem po polsku. XD Naprawdę nie wiem. Przepraszam.
The Third Reich used propaganda to encourage nationalism and obedience. That is why it was so effective.
The British Agricultural Revolution, or Second Agricultural Revolution, was the unprecedented increase in agricultural production in Britain due to increases in labour and land productivity between the mid-17th and late 19th centuries. Agricultural output grew faster than the population over the century to 1770, and thereafter productivity remained among the highest in the world. This increase in the food supply contributed to the rapid growth of population in England and Wales, from 5.5 million in 1700 to over 9 million by 1801, though domestic production gave way increasingly to food imports in the nineteenth century as the population more than tripled to over 35 million.[1] The rise in productivity accelerated the decline of the agricultural share of the labour force, adding to the urban workforce on which industrialization depended: the Agricultural Revolution has therefore been cited as a cause of the Industrial Revolution.
However, historians continue to dispute when exactly such a "revolution" took place and of what it consisted. Rather than a single event, G. E. Mingay states that there were a "profusion of agricultural revolutions, one for two centuries before 1650, another emphasising the century after 1650, a third for the period 1750–1780, and a fourth for the middle decades of the nineteenth century".[2] This has led more recent historians to argue that any general statements about "the Agricultural Revolution" are difficult to sustain.[3][4]
One important change in farming methods was the move in crop rotation to turnips and clover in place of fallow. Turnips can be grown in winter and are deep-rooted, allowing them to gather minerals unavailable to shallow-rooted crops. Clover fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form of fertiliser. This permitted the intensive arable cultivation of light soils on enclosed farms and provided fodder to support increased livestock numbers whose manure added further to soil fertility.