Plants use photosynthesis to capture carbon dioxide and then release half of it into the atmosphere through respiration. Plants also release oxygen into the atmosphere through photosynthesis.
if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest
The answer is B. Natural selection will find a way to affect one, then that one will affect many others.
El almacenamiento a largo plazo puede ser similar al aprendizaje: el proceso mediante el cual la información que puede ser necesaria nuevamente se almacena para su recuperación bajo demanda. El proceso de localizar esta información y traerla de vuelta a la memoria de trabajo se denomina recuperación.
ojala te sirva es lo unico que se :D
Answer: It is important that we use our natural resources so that we use any bad things for our earth
The area residing in the center explains the bilatial tibulti, which precedents the bratuluti tubilitu. As for the rack itself, it has a half-moon (in laymens terms) axial, which appendages smoothly in all transition. The answer would certainty relate less to moving and a part itself, and more towards coordination or other terms (for which there are many), as this question is quite subjective.
In short, it has nearly free half-moon movement, though blocked in transition by its own quartsor axial.