//import the Scanner class to allow for user input
import java.util.Scanner;
//Begin class definition
public class FirstAndLast{
//Begin the main method
public static void main(String []args){
//****create an object of the Scanner class.
//Call the object 'input' to receive user's input
//from the console.
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
//****create a prompt to tell the user what to do.
System.out.println("Enter the string");
//****receive the user's input
//And store it in a String variable called 'str'
String str = input.next();
//****get and print the first character.
//substring(0, 1) - means get all the characters starting
//from the lower bound (index 0) up to, but not including the upper
//bound(index 1).
//That technically means the first character.
//****get and print the last character
//1. str.length() will return the number of character in the string 'str'.
//This is also the length of the string
//2. substring(str.length() - 1) - means get all the characters starting
// from index that is one less than the length of the string to the last
// index (since an upper bound is not specified).
// This technically means the last character.
} // end of main method
} //end of class definition
The code has been written in Java and it contains comments explaining important parts of the code. Kindly go through the comments.
The source code and a sample output have also been attached to this response.
To run this program, copy the code in the source code inside a Java IDE or editor and save it as FirstAndLast.java
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