One has to fall to build and grow the war. currents of water help the pine tree grow, so the pine is the war and the deaths are the currents
those poor Esgaroth people. Assuming Erebor is mainly composed of Volcanic igneous rock, I'm guessing that Smaug's fire is cooler than 1200 degC, since he didn't melt the tunnel the Dwarves were hiding in. Most minerals that comprise igneous rock begin to become molten before temperatures reach ~1200 degC.
Woman didn’t get paid equally. Stay at home mothers.
Yes silver tarnish can easily be removed with polish
D. It provides people with opportunities to learn.
This aspect of education is universal. By definition,
education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction,
especially at a school or university. Education has had many forms and it has
been around since ancient times. Education doesn’t always have to be formal and
sometimes it can just mean “an enlightening experience”. All over the world, education gave people the
chance to share what they know and to learn from someone in authority or from