When the body is exposed to allergens or irritants, it will trigger the immune systems through different mechanism. However, the common pathway would result to multi-cellular inflammation, enhanced bronchial responsiveness, airflow obstruction and activation of immunological cell infiltration. Here, the inflammatory cell infiltrate are composed of varying amounts of eosinophils, neutrophils, and lymphocytes.
Moreover, T cells in the lung appear to orchestrate an immune response with a strong T helper type 2 (Th2) component when allergens drive the process.
body language, has he been acting weird? Agreeing or disagreeing in a joking way, lot of eye contact, complements you, the way he responds to touch (like a hand on his shoulder, holding his hand, ect.), and does he lean forward when your speaking to him despite already sitting close
As its name suggests, risky behavior is the name given to the conduct of a person who acts on impulse and without considering the consequences, exposing himself to dangerous situations. It is quite common in adolescence because it is a phase of life in which values are still being formed, there are many doubts and a need to be free through acts of rebellion. Not all teenagers go through this, but a significant portion tend to exhibit certain types of risky behavior.
The main types of risk behaviors are: Alcohol and drug use (can cause a variety of illnesses, such as cirrhosis, gastritis, thrombosis, addiction and even death), drug abuse (can lead to intoxication, overdose and malfunction of organs), highly restrictive diet (can lead to serious illnesses such as anorexia and malnutrition), intense and unsupervised physical activity (can cause serious injuries and also from acquiring the so-called vigorexia, a disease that causes the individual to become obsessed with having the perfect body), recklessness in the movement (can cause serious accidents and put the life of many people in danger), among others.