Indian farmers were forced to grow Indigo during India company rute
One disadvantage of being apart of a kingdom would be, they had no choice but to pay tribute, another would be that the men has to serve in the king's army.
One advantage was that the king provided protection for the conquered territory, another advantage would be that the armies made sure that the trade routes were safe, they kept out raiders and foriegn armie. Wars between small cities ended.
Geography is the spatial study of the earth’s surface (from the Greek geo, which means “Earth,” and graphein, which means “to write”). Geographers study the earth’s physical characteristics, its inhabitants and cultures, phenomena such as climate, and the earth’s place within the universe. Geography examines the spatial relationships between all physical and cultural phenomena in the world. Geographers also look at how the earth, its climate, and its landscapes are changing due to cultural intervention.
The first known use of the word geography was by Eratosthenes of Cyrene (modern-day Libya in North Africa), an early Greek scholar who lived between 276 and 194 BCE. He devised one of the first systems of longitude and latitude and calculated the earth’s circumference. Additionally, he created one of the first maps of the world based on the available knowledge of the time. Around the same time, many ancient cultures in (China, southern Asia, Polynesia, and the Arabian Peninsula) also developed maps and navigation systems used in geography and cartography.
I hope it helps