Ramy has displayed "The A-not-B error".
Children of 10 months or more youthful ordinarily make the perseveration mistake, which means they look under box "A" despite the fact that they saw the person move the toy under box "B", and box "B" is similarly as simple to reach. This shows an absence of, or fragmented, schema of object permanence.
The city of Bologna is the answer.
Remove the pistol by picking it from the grip edge.
The immediate action would be your safety and the safety of the patient. A patient who has shot herself might do it again if given the chance or can even shoot the person trying to rescue her. Hence, maintaining a safe distance and prioritizing safety is the immediate action by removing the pistol from her hand. Also, the pistol should be gripped from the edge so that the finger prints of the shooter remain on the handle.
This type of belief is called Naturalism. It is a philosophical belief in realism/reality, that only what we can physically see and explain is real and true. A modern view point would be that if something cannot be proved scientifically then it does not exist and that is naturalism.