lol i would but i have an Xbox...
Most computers have three types of ports: serial, parallel, and USB. A serial port is a type of interface that connects a device to the system unit by transmitting data only one bit at a time. Serial ports usually connect devices that do not require fast data transmission rates, such as a mouse, keyboard, or modem.
Mean means most and the most he can get is the 10000 and the 2 1000s and the 1 dollar so the mean is 12001.
INSERT INTO InvoiceCopy (VendorID, InvoiceTotal, TermsID, InvoiceNumber, PaymentTotal, InvoiceDueDate, InvoiceDate, CreditTotal, PaymentDate) VALUES(32, 434.58, 2, ‘AX-014-027’, 0.00, ‘11/8/06’, ‘10/21/06’, 0.00, NULL)