Answer: Lungs
Explanation: The pleura encloses each lung by a double layered serous membrane
[ Answer ]
[ Explanation ]
Physiology is the study of the functions and mechanisms in which your body works. It is how your body keeps you alive and how each part functions differently. It is how your organs, organ systems and cells keep you alive. They all perform different functions, but they all work together. It is almost like a car. Each part is different. The brakes stop the car, the gas makes the car go, this does this and that does that. However, even though they are all different, they all have one job; to make the car go from one location to the other. Physiology is the study of how each organ or cell does it's job. They explore deeper and reveal it's actual function.
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Sharks, like all vertebrates, have bilateral symmetry. This
means they have symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal
plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one
the offspring has a 50% chance of having black feathers and a 50% chance of white feathers
The hormone ethylene is a gas and disperses easily.