Both government leaders of Zanj and Ancient China had the attitudes in maintaining their power by following Divine Right Theory. This was also meant as Mandate Of Heaven. Basically it’s idea is Heaven grants the king's rights to rule region based on their capacity for better governance.
The other similarity between them was that they both were in practice of collecting taxes from citizens. For example, commercial, land, and agriculture taxes. These played as important sources of money for the government.
The event that has been of greatest benefit to Latin America, was the battle that Simón Bolivar waged for the liberation of the peoples of the south, several countries of Latin America functioned as Spanish viceroyalties, and were ruled under Spanish law, their lands, wealth and benefits were used by foreigners, and although Simon Bolivar comes from Spanish parents, he decided to fight to liberate countries such as Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Panama, those battles were the most important in the history of South America, they served to open the doors to Independence of the south, autonomy and the recovery of identity.
It was on 9 November 1989, five days after half a million people gathered in East Berlin in a mass protest, that the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbled. East German leaders had tried to calm mounting protests by loosening the borders, making travel easier for East Germans.
Shay's Rebellion.
It was an embodiment of the failure of the articles of confederation, and made people realize that changes needed to be made.