B figures are carved in high relief with deep undercutting
Men were chosen by the draft. You had to sign up and if your number was picked - you left for Vietnam
The only way to get out of the draft was to have a medical deferment, move to Canada or stay in college.
Donald trump had 5 medical deferments for bad feet
The correct answer is: An asteroid impact.
The scientists call it the extraterrestrial impact theory. It states that a giant, six mile wide meteor hit the Earth around 66 million years ago. As a consecuence, clouds of iridium dust and other materials were thrown into the air, blocking the sunlight for years. This lead to the extintion of the dinosaurs who were not able to feed themselves as plants didn't grow. Photosynthesis was not possible and food chains could not be completed. When the dust settled the greenhouse gases were locked in the atmosphere causing a general increase of temperature.
The unique New England way of life was centered on
family, town, and the church. And the corresponding changes that affected this
comfortable social order in the late seventeenth century were:
Family: did everything they could to defend marriage and
family values
Church: jeremiad preaching and half-way covenant
<span>Town: Salem witch trials</span>
African slaves were forcibly transported to the Americas