corporeal: bodily, fleshly
Inferred definition: relating to the human body
corpulent: obese, overweight
Inferred definition: fat
corps: unit, division, troop
Inferred definition: a military troop/unit
Im not actually sure, I know you can report someone’s comment and sometimes they get deleted
The process used to form the word "prefabricate" is prefix addition. The root word is "fabricate" and the prefix "pre" was added to it.
The speaker is at first, afraid. They are struggling with their inner self about whether or not to jump. The speaker states that they struggle to the end. As the/she gets a look into the rippling water below, their fear grabs them even more. But soon, he/she states that a voice told them that if they were going to jump, to just jump. After another second of contemplation, the speaker finally overcomes their fear. Their transformation went from a person full of fear at the thought of jumping, to a person empty of that fear who cleared their mind and just did it.
Hope this helps!