Nutrition is the ability to obtain food which help in the growth of an individual and it is related to mental health in a way because mental health deals with the ability to understand oneself and to cope up with normal lifestyle
If a person has a good nutrition diet such as a balanced meal, that person will have the right amount of energy and cell functionality to help that person function well in terms of mentality and that will increase the chances of an individual to cope better in life rather then a person with bad eating disorder in terms of mental health
Stabilize the elbow in the position found and transport
Whenever we need to transport a person with a serious fracture, such as the fracture shown in the question, we must be careful not to worsen the state of the fractured bones during the approach to the nearest hospital. In the case of the man who fell and fractured his left elbow, the most appropriate thing to do before transporting the man to the hospital is to stabilize the elbow in the position found and transport the man to the hospital.