The JavaScript statement is
var str1 = "Information Technology";
var result = str1.toUpperCase();
JavaScript is used to validate the client side it means it provide the client side validation.
Following are the function of JavaScript that converted the string into uppercase.
function val()
var str1 = "Information Technology ";
var result = str1.toUpperCase();
The toUpperCase() function convert the string into uppercase in JavaScript
A domestic air carrier airplane lands at an intermediate airport at 1815Z. The latest time it may depart without a specific authorization from an aircraft dispatcher is <u>1915Z (1 hour)</u>.
Under the domestic operations, an airplane landed on intermediate airport can remain their for not more than one hour so the time would me 1 hour.
Here the time represented by 1815Z and 1915Z is in Zulu Time Zone as depicted from letter "Z". The first two digits represent the hour (0-24) and the next two represent the minutes (0-59).
- Here the landing time is 6:15 pm while departing time is after one hour that is 7:15 pm (1915Z).
i hope it will help you.
The following code is written in Python. It asks the user to enter the current balance and the annual interest rate. It then calculates the monthly interest rate and uses that to detect the interest that will be earned for the next month. Finally, printing that to the screen. A test output can be seen in the attached picture below.
balance = int(input("Enter current Balance: "))
interest = int(input("Enter current annual interest %: "))
interest = (interest / 12) / 100
next_month_interest = balance * interest
print('$ ' + str(next_month_interest))
Usually when you encounter the problem you see the error code number "0019" for an invalid bank account or routing transit numbers.
Accounting information is the subject to which this is categorized. As soon as the IRS or (Internal Revenue Service) suspects any error, it will deny the return immediately.