Dandelion seeds are dispersed by the wind It uses the warmth water and light to grow The structure of the flower when it sets seed allows the lightness of the seed and its sail to be dispersed in the wind. They are spread by the wind. When the flower matures from its usual yellow, the seeds, sporting tiny white 'parachutes' are blown about by the wind - often for considerable distances. Because it's a sperm wind, birds, and humans Yes it can. they reproduce by forming tiny cells that can grow into new plants, <span>which are called spores.</span><span>
because antivirals are drugs and antibiotics cab o nothing to viruses it is not even effective for the common cold So mosquito repellent would be the best choice
Charles Ehler: incorrect.
Wendell Mullison: correct.
Robert Rodriguez: correct.
Judy Johnson:correct.
-Charles Ehler´s statement is incorrect because in order for a chemical company launch a new product it must pass several tests, that´s why products lasts years in proves, there are several tests such as the environment test that proves that the product doesn´t affect other species, or the human safety that makes sure the product doesn´t affect human health.Wendell Mulison´s statement proves to be correct with this as well.
-Robert Rodriguez´s statement is correct because even though there are several tests that take care human healt there are just a few based on the damage pesticides produce to the land where are used.
-Judy Johnson´s statement is correct because science has proved that the resistant of parasites as being increasing with the products tat are used to combat them. Bacterias are an example of it, many drugs used against bacterias are now useless for some people because of the resistantthey have developed.
-One specie that can be taken as a pesticide can be the ground snail, that affects some plants and also may contain a parasite aclled "Hepatic fasciola" that affects sheeps and goats of farmers.
-One viable method to control pesticides is the sue of other species to control them, this specie has to be adequate to the land, for example, if a farmer wants to get rid of the ground snails because of the parasite and the damage they do to their platings, they can introduce ducks to the farm that eat them without damaging the land with any kind of chemical product.
In some parts of Africa, up to 20% of the population are carriers of the sickle cell gene. This suggests that the trait must have a survival value. The carriers of the trait have a much lower susceptibility to malaria than normal individuals. This is because the malaria parasite survives very poorly in sickled red blood cells.