The Answer is <u>c. Node</u>
Great question, it is always good to ask away and get rid of any doubts that you may be having.
Entries in a linked list are called or known as a <u>"node"</u>. Nodes are each element within the linked list. They are called nodes because are are illustrated as interconnected boxes that depend on other elements in the set.
Link are pointers that direct you to another element when called upon, and Data Structures are the way in which a set or information is organized. Therefore none of these could have been the answer.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
No. Using the address will get you either the default site, or the first site declared. Web servers can host VirtualHosts, and rely on the site name to know which VirtualHost to serve. TMI, it's called name based virtual host, as opposed to the machine having many addresses then address based virtual hosts can be created.
The computer's central processing unit (CPU) is the portion of a computer that retrieves and executes instructions. The CPU is essentially the brain of a CAD system. It consists of an arithmetic and logic unit (ALU), a control unit, and various registers. The CPU is often simply referred to as the processor.
Following are the code to this question:
def binarynumber(num):#defining a method binarynumber that accepts a parameter num
x=""#defining a string variable x
if (num!=0):#defining if condition to check number not equal to 0
while (num>=1):#defining a loop that check value is grater then equal to one
if (num %2==0):#defining if condition to check num is even
x=x+"0" #add string value 0 in num variable
num=num/2 #divide the value by 2
else:#defining else block
x=x+"1"#add string value 1 in num variable
num=(num-1)/2#first subtract 1 into num variable then divide the value by 2
x="0"#assign string value 0 in num variable
return "".join(reversed(x))#return value
num = int (input ("Enter any number: "))#defining num variable that input the integer value
print (binarynumber(num))#using print method to call method binarynumber with passing num parameter
Enter any number: 12
- In the above python code a method "binarynumber" is declared, in which the "num" variable passes as the parameter inside the method a string variable "x" is declared that stores all converted values.
- Inside the method and if the block is declared that checks number value is not equal to 0 if this condition is false then it will add string value and reverse its value.
- Or if the condition is true it defines a while loop that calculates the given number binary digits and returns its value.
- At the last step, the num variable is declared that inputs the integer value from the user end and calls the method by using the print method.